88% of local business searches on a mobile device either call or visit the business that was searched within 24 hours. (Nectafy) Almost 50% of all Google searches are related to finding local businesses and services. (SEO Expert) 97% of internet...read more
The SEO of YouTube
The SEO of YouTube
As you may have learned in the Gen Zbook, YouTube is killin’ it with spend-happy youths, broke MIllennials, aloof Gen Xers, and even the Baby Boomers. And while we all know that video marketing is an essential part of your content strategy, it still...read more
Google My Business: The ins & outs of this local search gem
Google My Business: The ins & outs of this local search gem
According to Google, about 4 out of 5 consumers use the internet for local searches—a startling number and a wakeup call for business who don’t have a local SEO strategy. Thankfully, Google My Business exists. For small businesses, brand exposure...read more
15 SEO Best Practices You Need to Know (& Tips on Using Them)
15 SEO Best Practices You Need to Know (& Tips on Using Them)
There’s nothing better for the health of your online business than to understand and apply SEO best practices. Not only is SEO the best way to increase your organic traffic, it also helps you filter out unqualified visitors and expand your brand awareness. In...read more