9 Copywriting Tips that Will Make Customers Love You

Copywriting Tips

So, you’re looking for some copywriting tips. Most people turn to copywriting as a way of delighting their prospects, leads, and customers. However, many business owners are somewhat iffy on how copywriting can be used to enhance their brand. The name “copywriting” sounds like something you’d learn while earning a Bachelor’s in plagiarism. Nothing could be further from the truth. Copywriting is all about creating original writing that connects with an audience and encourages them to take a specific action.

Copywriting Tips 101

To leverage great copywriting, you’ll need to live and breathe these nine essential tips:

  1. Tell a Story
  2. Use Empathy
  3. Put Copy in Context
  4. Don’t Try to Sell
  5. Be Detailed
  6. Be Succinct
  7. Watch Your Grammar
  8. Create a Value Proposition
  9. Create a Selling Proposition

Tell a Story

Everyone loves a good story. If you think back to your favorite movies, conference speakers, books, or college classes, they probably used a variety of captivating stories to seize your interest. Stories breathe life into otherwise boring content.

3 rules for great brand storytelling:

  1. Be authentic – Always portray an honest, transparent image of your company. Authentic stories resonate with audiences.
  2. Be creative – Don’t be afraid to show some brand attitude. Use colorful language and a unique voice and tone that helps your business stand out from the crowd.
  3. Be inspirational – A brand that inspires its audience is a brand that will earn lifelong loyalty.

As far as copywriting tips go, here’s the main takeaway for storytelling; the stories you tell allow you to show off your brand’s personality.

Use Empathy

Maya Angelou once famously said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Show your prospect, leads, and customers that you understand their pain points. Creating copy that empathizes with your audience’s problems will establish credibility and instill confidence in your brand’s capabilities. This copywriting tip is simple; establish an emotional connection in your copy to create an unforgettable experience for your audience.

Put Copy in Context

Have you ever watched the national spelling bee? When a contestant is unsure of a word they can ask the judges to use the word in a sentence. This sentence allows them to hear the word in proper content, enabling them to make a more educated decision as to the origin and spelling of the word.

Of all the copywriting tips, this one has the most potential to wreak havoc, because context can change the meaning of your copy. For example; say a spelling bee contestant was asked to spell “write” and requested the judges to use it in a sentence. The chosen judge could respond by saying, “When she saw the test scores she knew she was write.” The contestant would naturally believe they were supposed to be spelling “right” and not “write” because of the context used by the judge.

When you create copy, make sure it’s used in the correct context so there’s no room for misinterpretation.

Don’t Try to Sell

Never focus on trying to sell to the audience in your copy. This is one of those copywriting tips that sounds stupid, but trust me, it’s part of copywriting 101. Producing great copy means you have to write from the perspective of your audience. Use every relevant source of customer data you can find to identify how your audience likes to communicate. Use their preferred language and methods of interaction to improve your copy creation process to reflect their likes, dislikes, interests, insecurities, and more.

Be Detailed

How would you respond if this article gave you a list of nine copywriting tips without telling you why they were important, or how they could improve your branding? You’d probably never visit the site again and you’d definitely be annoyed that we wasted your time without providing any value. Copywriting that leaves out details is next-to-useless.

Your audience should know exactly what’s going on when they look at your copy. That doesn’t mean you need to pack every piece of copywriting full of details. You just need to choose the most relevant, valuable details that your audience can’t live without. If your audience can read your copy and understand the message you’re trying to convey, then you know you’ve included the necessary details.

Be Succinct

Remember that your prospects, leads, and customers have short attention spans. Your copy should get right to the point so you don’t waste their time. Many people tend to create repetitive copywriting because they’re afraid the audience won’t understand the message unless it’s said multiple times. That’s a bad idea. If you understand your audience you’ll be able to concisely write your message without including useless fluff.

Watch Your Grammar

This might belong in the elementary section of copywriting tips, but it’s often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of copywriting. Bad grammar damages your brand in two ways:

  1. Brand perception – People have high expectations for brands. If they visit your website, open your email, or view a social media post that has obvious grammatical errors it kills credibility.
  2. SEO – Your search engine ranking is partially affected by the quality of your website’s writing. Misspellings and poor sentence structures could count against your rank.

Create a Value Proposition

Creating a value proposition is the best way to sell to your audience without using obvious selling tactics. Keep these three copywriting tips in mind as you build your value proposition:

  1. The value proposition should prove to your audience that what you’re offering can solve a specific problem they have.
  2. Highlight the benefits your brand, products, or services offer.
  3. Show your audience why your brand is worthy of their business.

You don’t need to create an obvious, step-by-step value proposition in all your copy, just include it organically. You can show problem-solving capabilities by highlighting reviews and you can demonstrate benefits using product demos or case studies. Whatever resonates with your audience should be the focus of your value proposition.

Create a Selling Proposition

Much like the value proposition, a selling proposition allows you to emphasize features that make your business unique. Your job is to make it as easy for prospective customers as possible to commit to a sale. Establish credibility and trust with your audience and show them that their hard-earned money will be well spent.

Keep in mind that not all copywriting should include a selling proposition. Prospects that have just started to show interest in your business, products, or services aren’t ready to commit to a sale.

Following these nine copywriting tips will greatly improve your ability to develop compelling copy across mediums that represent the value of your brand. Prospects, leads, and customers love to interact with brands who demonstrate an understanding and expertise of their pain points. Focus on creating copy that’s relevant, polished, and persuasive to build a loyal following of brand advocates.
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