[6 Steps] Audit Your Website to Outperform Competitors


Does your website have challenges that are blocking your efforts? Are you alienating your visitors? Are you sending your potential customers to competitor sites? Download our free guide [6 Steps] Audit Your Website to Outperform Competitors to improve your website’s traffic, SEO, and usability to rise above the competition through a competitor analysis!

Within this guide, we’ll take a look at how your website stacks up against your identified competitors, using the following questions:

  • Which competitor sites capture my audience’s attention?
  • Are there any technical performance issues?
  • Is the website optimized for mobile?
  • Is there a keyword strategy in place?
  • Are there meta titles and descriptions and are they compelling?
  • Is the design up to date?
  • Are visitors able to easily find the information they’re looking for and convert?
  • Does the navigation make sense?
  • Is the content high quality?
  • And much more…

Lastly, what exactly is a website audit? A website audit involves:

  • Analyzing and fixing your website’s technical issues, user experience, and
    SEO issues
  • Creating benchmark metrics for your site
  • Identifying gaps in your strategy
  • Uncovering competitor strengths and weaknesses you can leverage

In short, this audit you will learn how to develop website goals and strategies to grow your business and rise above your competitors online.

So, channel your inner Sherlock Holmes, and let’s get started with your website competitor analysis! (Because considering today’s digital market, they’ve probably already run a website audit on you.) Download the free 6 Steps to Effectively Outperform Competitors Guide today!

At Envision Creative, we’re all about working smarter, not harder!  Talk to our experts to learn how we can help optimize your website and get more qualified leads!