4 Proven Trade Show Design Tips That You Can Implement Right Now

Trade Show Design

If the cost of the average trade show setup worries your accountant, it is time to take a fresh look at the available trade show design options that are open to you. Granted, you can spend a small fortune on a nicely apportioned two-store display but, as Success Magazine aptly points out, “you want your booth to be inviting and make an impression of quality.” But you want to do so without spending a mint in the process.

This is where vetted trade show design tips can make a difference:

Make the design fit the objectives

Do you view the trade show as an opportunity to reinforce your top spot in the local business community’s hierarchy? If this is your plan, you are going to spend an awful lot of money on a tactic that may not play out well. Instead, see this setting as an opportunity to expand your sphere of influence among consumers and peers alike. If this is one of your objectives, the design of your booth should reflect a welcoming setup where show attendees may have a seat, read a brochure, and interact with highly-trained attendees who are knowledgeable on all matters concerning your niche. Warm colors, actual furniture, and branding are in order.

Add table space (lots of it)

Far too many displays feature plenty of brochure holders but not multiple table surfaces. Unless you are in the service business where there are not real hands-on models, bring along plenty of products for consumers to interact with, try out, touch, measure, and simply enjoy. Multiple table surfaces work well. But rather than just adding more folding tables, consider the addition of cube displays that are personalized to reflect your name for marketing and your logo color for higher brand awareness. Remember also tablet holders – multiple! – so that folks can interact with your company online, enjoy online tutorials, and even games. Placed around your booth, these cubes and high-tech interaction stations generate a buzz, and pretty sure you might have attendees two and three deep around these stations. This makes it easy for your workers to strike up conversations.

Generate a buzz

Think banner stands. But not just any kind of banner. These days, banners come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. If your business falls into a maritime niche, have your banner shaped in the form of waves. Issue press releases with photos of these banners to stir up interest. When trade show visitors see your displays, they will instantly recognize them. Also, using banners as a mnemonic device is not only effective, but also budget-friendly.

Have the staff needed

How many people work in your booth during a trade show? When you expect to make a great impression, it is better to have too many folks milling around than not enough of them to meet and greet each interested attendee. Let your workers strike up conversations with those in your peer group, customers, and also the press. Progression of these conversations frequently generates new leads.

Trade shows are the perfect place to put your business and brand in front of potential customers. The goal is to make your trade show design and experience stay with people even after they leave. Think about the best way to present your business. Don’t be afraid to think creatively. If you need some more inspiration, give us a call. We would love to help you come up with the perfect trade show design for your business.

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